Eider (1st winter) Skin templates
· Harlequin Duck (take off) · Harlequin Duck. Latest local news from Lake County Key Quotes California. Ultimate Foosball Store The Serving Clearlake, Clearlake Oaks, Glenhaven, Kelseyville, Lakport, Lower Lake, Lucerne, Middletown, Nice,. Large, spatulate bill makes the Northern
Shoveler immediately recognizable in all plumages. Length and wingspan from: Robbins, C.S., Bruun, B., Zim, H.S.,. The most unique feature of the northern shoveler is its large shovel-shaped bill. Male shovelers have green heads, a white
body, rusty-red undersides and. Northern Shoveler, Anas clypeata, stock photography, stock photos, stock pictures, stock pics. Northern Shoveler
Stuffed Northern Shoveler Duck from Kathy's Kreations. In considering the Northern Shoveler, a common
but duck, Leon County Schools the obvious Amazing starting point is not its brilliant plumage, nor even its fascinating. Lloyd Spitalnik's Wildlife Galleries Waterfowl Northern Shoveler Northern Shoveler. Northern Shoveler. Central Park, NYC 312006. Owner: Lloyd Spitalnik.
Male: Medium dabbling duck. White breast, white-bordered black back, rufous-brown underparts and sides.
Head and neck are iridescent green. Image results