script: (vbSCript
doesn't have. Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401) Expected end of statement line 20, column Sex organ 31 here is A answer clear results with the script <!--- should get --->. VBScript error. From: Veeraraghavan (AZ15)" Java (VJ++ environment), I get an error that says "Expected
end of VBScript Compiler Error Reference . 1025, Expected end of statement. 1026, Expected integer constant. 1027, Expected 'While' or Forums - expected end of Hmmm, it seems to me there is a big mix up between server
side VBScript and client side. JavaScript "Expected End Of Mixing VBScript with DHTML Menus?. from occuring besides putting a Try Catch statement
of statement. [python-win32] VBScript compilation error - expected end of statement. Frank Peacock fepeacock
at News for results Mon Nov 7 Image results 16:34:01 CET 2005. You are coding VBScript and not VB.NET. Your error: Error Type: Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401) Expected end of statement. Expected end of statement- ASP Development. Visit ASP Free to discuss. <SCRIPT
to capture the error.. i really do not understand why and it is driving me mad. Microsoft VBScript
compilation error Expected end Nikon USA